Conference Overview
The biennial meeting of the International Bioiron Society brings together basic scientists and clinicians from all around the world interested in fundamental iron biology as well as diseases related to iron overload and iron deficiency. With the increasing awareness about the essential role of iron in common acquired disorders, such as cardiovascular, inflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders as well as cancer, we will feature cutting-edge research related to these diseases. The meeting is a dynamic forum for discussing progress and future directions in this exciting research area.
In this congress we will present:
- The most recent advances in iron-related basic and clinical research
- Outstanding scientists invited to give state-of-the-art keynote and plenary lectures
- Oral presentations with novel unpublished data selected from the most innovative submitted contributions
- Great opportunities to foster collaboration among iron scientists and clinicians
- Excellent training and an exciting environment for junior investigators and trainees to further develop their knowledge of iron metabolism
The related EMBL Course: Techniques for Studying Iron in Health and Disease will take place on 2 – 4 May 2019.
- 鉄関連の基礎研究および臨床研究における最新の進歩
- 一流の科学者たちが最先端の基調講演と本講演を行いました
- 最も革新的な投稿された貢献から選択された新しい未発表のデータによる口頭発表
- 鉄の科学者と臨床医の間のコラボレーションを促進する絶好の機会
- 鉄代謝に関する知識をさらに伸ばすための、優秀な研修と若手研究者および研修生のための刺激的な環境
関連するEMBLコース:健康と病気の鉄を研究するためのテクニックは 2019年5月2日から4日に行われます。